Pearls of wisdom – To be strong


To be strong is to love someone in silence.

To be strong is to radiate happiness when one is unfortunate.

To be strong is to try to pardon someone who does not deserve pardon.

To be strong is to wait for, when one does not believe in the return.

To be strong is to stay in calm at the moments of desperation.

To be strong is to demonstrate joy when it is not felt.

To be strong is to smile, when you desire to cry.

To be strong is to make somebody happy, when the heart is in pieces.

To be strong is to keep silent, when it would be the ideal to shout to all your anguish.

To be strong is to console someone, when it is yourself who needs consolation.

To be strong is to have faith, even if you do not believe.

For that same reason during the hard reality of life
and by more difficult that it can appear to be,
love and be strong.

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